journal management system

International management system for your journal

Meet a journal management system that will contribute to the quality of your journal and strengthen its compliance with international publishing standards.

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Akdema Hizmetler Dergi Yönetim Sistemi Görseli

What is the journal management system?

Journal management systems ensure the content to be published in scientific periodicals is managed and presented accordant with the international standards. In the production and publishing processes of scientific articles managed by these systems, various contributors have duties and responsibilities. These responsibilities include the processes starting with the submission of the manuscript till its publication (such as authorship, editorship, reviewing, indexing, and editing). Journal Management Systems are the tools that enable contributors to manage the processes under their responsibilities.

What kind of features should the journal management system have?

  • Internationally valid
  • Flexible, updatable, extensible, and modular
  • User friendly
  • Host current software and design tools
  • Multilingual
Dergi yönetim sistemi nedir?

What we do

We reconfigure your scientific publishing processes via the most widely-used Open Journal System infrastructure which is designed in compliance with international standards; managed on a reliable server; suitable for approaches such as open science, open access, and open license; facilitates metadata transfer to international databases and indexes; provides high discoverability by search engines, and is processes in the world.

What we do

What does the system and server infrastructure

Online manuscript submission, management of peer review processes

Authorization options according to the roles and responsibilities of system users

Full-text indexing and searching of the PDF file of article

E-mail notifications for the tasks in the workflows

Accessibility via mobile interfaces

CrossRef and ORCID integration

Transfer of article metadata to DOAJ and PubMED databases

Automatic indexing of published articles by Google Scholar

Compliance with widely used metadata standards of Dublin Core, MODS, and Open URL

OAI-PMH metadata harvesting protocol

WebFeed (RSS and Atom) tools

Social media share features (AddThis)

Importing articles to reference management softwares (such as Zotero, Endnote, Mendeley, Citavi) via COinS

Compatibility of different citation languages via Citation Style Language and exporting citations in RIS and BibTeX format

Providing metadata for libraries in MARC, MARC 21, and RFC1807 formats

Subscription model options

Metrics (article views and downloads, acceptance/rejection rates etc.)

Integration with Google Analytics

Multilingual support

Integration with digital preservation platforms such as CLOKSS, LOCKSS, Portico, and PKP Preservation Network

Daily remote backup up to 30 days and disaster recovery

SSL security certificate

Up-to-date server operating systems

How we do it?

Conducting a need analysis
Designing workflows
Importing policies and guidelines
Designing the user interface
Setting up the system
Coding and integration of the user interface
Testing and making improvements
Importing archive issues
System on air
Maintenance and support
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How can we help you?

Contact us for a journal management system that will contribute to the quality of your journal and strengthen it with international publishing standards.

Contact us